Elevate Your Strategy With Fractional Marketing Services: On-Demand Expertise For Targeted Success

MarketingGhost’s fractional marketing services are provided for an initial minimum of 10 hours per month. My rates are affordable to appeal to mid-sized businesses. In return, you will benefit from my marketing expertise and experience applied to your company only when you require it. How you use that time is completely up to you, whether in creative brainstorming or devising innovative marketing concepts. I will work tirelessly with you to achieve your marketing goals and benefit your business.

My fractional marketing services are provided in person or through video conferencing, phone, Go To Meetings, or a combination of these mediums.

Contact me to discuss your marketing challenges. I’d be happy to schedule a 30-minute meeting.

Fractional Marketing Services

Marketing is centralized through MarketingGhost, enabling salespeople to sell and upper management to strategically plan instead of devoting time to marketing initiatives.


  • Establish, Execute, and Manage Annual Marketing Budgets to Meet Core Marketing Objectives
  • Develop a Media Schedule of All Promotional Opportunities Annually
  • Suggest Marketing Tools and Software to Improve Close Rates
  • Improve Overall Lead Generation and Conversion Efforts
  • Provide a Monthly Marketing Project Update to Key Personnel


  • Measurement and Analysis of Web Analytics Quarterly to Identify Trends and Opportunities
  • Identify Tactics That Offer the Greatest Return on Marketing Investment
  • Survey Customers to Gauge Brand Perception and Best Marketing Practices

Creative Direction

  • Creative Direct Graphic Design Projects, Including Websites, Direct Mail, E-Blasts, Trade Ads, Brochures, Sales Presentations, Videos, Interior Signage, and Banner Ads
  • Point of Contact for Individuals on the Company Sales Force for Marketing Needs Such as Web Changes, Signs, Presentations, or Advertising
  • Brainstorming Ideas to Increase Revenue

Brand Management

  • Offer Proactive Ideas to Help Build Sales and Increase the Corporate Brand Name in Target Industries
  • Develop Consistent Branding Across the Company
  • Oversee All Communications to Ensure That They Are Within Corporate Standards and Satisfy Messaging Objectives
  • Create Messaging Concepts for New Products or Services
  • Perpetually Seek Out New Marketing Opportunities
  • Speak at Sales Meetings to Reveal Messaging Objectives to the Sales Force
  • Develop Customer Surveys to Measure Brand Perception Efforts

Media Management

  • Traditional Agencies Charge 15% of the Total Gross Ad Cost for the Placement of Ads and Other Media. With Marketingghost, Ads Are Net-Billed Directly to Clients
  • Handle Media Contracts and Ensure That All Marketing Deadlines Are Met
  • All Media Inquiries and Media Salespeople (Print and Online) Are Directed to Marketingghost
  • Monitor Print and Online Ads to Ensure They Run When Scheduled and Are Accurate
  • Negotiate With All Media Reps for Ad Space and Publicity Opportunities

Public Relations Management

  • Manage All Press Releases, Case Studies, and Printed Articles
  • Pitch Editorial Stories to Industry Magazines and Online Media
  • Plan, Organize and Execute Open Houses and Other Events
  • Uncover Public Relations Opportunities

Print Management

  • Work With Vendors to Produce Printed Material
  • Critique Existing Marketing Collateral for Improved Return on Investment
  • Creative Direction for Print Projects

Web Management

  • Develop and Manage the Production of a More Effective Corporate Web Presence
  • Propose Ways to Increase Web Traffic and Conversions to the Corporate Website Through Paid and Random Search Tactics
  • Oversee Web Maintenance of the Corporate Website
  • Populate Online Directories Such as Global Spec and Thomasnet and Keep Them Current
  • Measure Advertising Promotion Efforts Through Google Analytics on a Quarterly Basis to Understand Which Advertising Tactics Are Most Effective, the Pages and Products Viewed, the Most Frequent Keyphrases Used, and Traffic Pattern Trends
  • Creation of Strategies Like Apps and Intranets to Boost Efficiency and Productivity
  • Manage Social Media Portals Such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook Pages

Trade Show Management

  • Help Manage Trade Show Themes, Work With Trade Show Companies to Develop Booth
  • Create Pre and Post-show Marketing
  • Offer Ideas to Boost Overall Trade Show Effectiveness
  • Manage Trade Show Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Help Create Apps or Other Tools to Better Engage Prospects at Trade Shows

Advisory Reviews

  • Strategy
  • Tactics
  • Budget
  • Direct Marketing
  • Internet Marketing
  • Positioning
  • Messaging
  • Lead Generation
  • Customer Retention
  • Websites
  • Marketing Collateral
  • PowerPoints
  • RFPs and Proposals
  • Ongoing Efforts
  • Web Traffic Conversions
  • Web Content
  • Web Optimization
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Outbound Marketing

Other Hourly Services

  • Innovative Marketing Concepts
  • Strategic Planning
  • Research
  • Brainstorming
  • Target markets
  • Agency Reviews
  • ROI Marketing Audit
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media
  • Web Trend Analysis